Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Alfresco CMIS Query Webscript Extension

The first beta version of Alfresco CMIS Query Webscript Extension is released now. This extension provides  a way to get a XML and JSON output to CMIS Query Webscript, that, today just generate ATOMFEED outputs  format.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Alfresco Bulk Export Tool

Based one of many demand in my job I have created a new way to export Alfresco documents to a File System that can be imported by  Alfresco Bulk File System Import. This exported data have a pattern described in this  WIKI.

This project, called Alfresco Bulk Export File System Tool, was inside Alfresco AddOns page and can be accessed by this link:

In this post you find a step by step to install and use the Alfresco Bulk Export File System Tool.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Alfresco and Google Docs Integration

One of many features of Alfresco is the easy integration with Google Docs. This feature provide to user a good way to edit documents in ms-World, ms-Excel and ms-PowerPoint formats. To config this functionality in an Alfresco bundled instalation follow the steps bellow. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Basic Active Directory and Alfresco integration

This post will show a simple way to configure LDAP - Active Directory in Alfresco 3.4.2 Enterprise Edition. Before to read this post please, verify if Alfresco has been installed.

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